
Melissa Kim Corter

The unconscious burdens we sometimes hold

Published 9 months ago • 3 min read


When our relationship to mater (Latin for mother) is out of balance, we may find ourselves saturated in the feminine energy of our individual ancestral lineages— mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and so on….

This saturation may reflect as physical weight, feeling weighed down, overwhelmed, or unconscious burdens of responsibility; often, it feels like a heaviness without a source.

This influence can also reflect in the body and persona as perfectionism and addiction- not all root causes have a place in mind; some are in the body and difficult to locate when numbing or lack of sensation is present.

We then avoid the earth/nature

We avoid the body

We avoid feeling/sensations

We don't know what to eat or how to care for ourselves nutritionally

We feel disconnected or cut off from instinct/intuition

And we give into our compulsions.... consuming, grasping, fearing, and distancing ourselves from our lunar/feminine power.

My experience:

This energy resulted in numbness and disconnect in my body, especially within my abdomen and womb space. I could never name, source, or let go of the excess weight I held without it rapidly returning... and often with more than I began with.

Holding this weight led me to resist the urge to go to the woods, hike, and move my body... it kept me from receiving and believing in myself and led to some pretty dark thoughts and feelings.

I had never considered that these intrusive thoughts and feelings were not mine... until I did the work I am about to share with you Reader.

I thought my lack of desire to move my body came from being too tired.

Beneath the surface, there was an unconscious fear of letting go.

It was one of the only connections I felt I had with my mother (who passed over 15 years ago). I held her pain, her unfinished business, and aspects of her inner critic. No one ever taught me that this was not mine to shoulder... and I had permission to let it all go, for me, for her, for both of us.

This weight and heaviness also created psychological, emotional, and physical distance from others.

I did not trust others and did not feel safe around certain personalities.

My body carried the burden and created the barrier until I was conscious enough to address these underlying influences.

As we address our psychological wounds and unconscious burdens, we release resistance to receiving, nurturing, being nurtured, and finding new ways of being with all things revolving around the element of earth (mater/matter).

Exploring the relationship with the feminine allows us to open to the body's innate healing wisdom (specifically related to the mother archetype) and tap into the creative and transformative energies inherent within.

As we become liberated from the ‘storied self,’ we begin to utilize blocked energy in new, creative, abundant, and expansive ways. We may create something we have avoided or deny ourselves the pleasure of beginning, shifting from procrastination to intentional and purposeful effort.

This experience is a profound way to tend to these concerns in a way that nourishes, rejuvenates, and reorients us to the mother archetype in a new way… while tending to the soul.

Just because I had a few questions about this: this workshop is NOT a program on various goddesses or about working with goddess energy.

This distinction is key as that is a different format from my intention and practice here with the earth/ancestral aspects we are working with.

A few more days left until the early bird pricing increases. If you feel called to learn more, you can click here to read more:

PS- if you are not able to join us at this time due to timing or finances, you can still consciously work with this energy.

  • Sit with your body
  • Be open to listening
  • Pay attention to images, symbols, feelings, textures, colors, or memories
  • Journal and ask your body questions
  • Do not be surprised if energy or emotions surface... breathe and stay with it.

Get to know yourself in a new way; you may be surprised to learn something amazingly beautiful that your body has been trying to show you.

Then send me an email Reader, let me know what that was like, or if anything surprising moved into conscious awareness.


Melissa Kim Corter

113 Chester St., New York, NY 10003
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Melissa Kim Corter

International best-selling author & speaker

Melissa Kim Corter is an international best-selling author and speaker published in numerous books, articles, and interviews. Her methods blend active imagination, archetypal psychology, and ecotherapy into transformational somatic experiences. She utilizes writing as an alchemical vessel to activate the hidden potential within the reader.   As a highly empathic intuitive child, Melissa Kim Corter had a fascination with other people’s basements. Dark unexplored spaces enthralled her, and her insatiable curiosity toward the hidden dimensions of humanity led to decades of exploring the shadow dynamics within the human psyche and nature. She has a Master's degree in Depth Psychology with an emphasis on Jungian Archetypal studies and is pursuing a Ph.D. at Pacifica Graduate Institute.

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